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Change people’s lives 

with a career in health

If you’re starting to think about your future career and you have a passion for helping people, you’ve come to the right place.

Here you can explore a range of exciting, challenging, and impactful careers within the world of health care that can significantly improve patients’ quality of life. Each one offers many opportunities to make a real difference to people’s health and wellbeing in ways you may never have imagined.  

Have you considered a career in health?

Dentistry students
Dental therapy students
Radiographer thumbnail

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Using a blend of science, innovative technology and problem-solving skills, diagnostic radiographers are needed to help diagnose patients and improve patient care.

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Dentists (also known as dental surgeons) are trained professionals who help care for patients’ teeth and mouth. Their work is increasingly about protecting teeth and preventing gums from decay and disease

Prevention is always better than cure, which is why dental hygienists play such an important role in promoting and protecting oral health.

Trainee doctor

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If you are fascinated by the causes, effects and patterns of diseases in groups of people, rather than individuals, you might love a career as an epidemiologist.

Medical oncologist student

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An oncologist is a doctor who diagnoses, assesses, treats and manages patients with cancers. They aim to provide the best possible outcomes for each individual patient.

Trainee doctor

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Doctors have a very wide range of responsibilities including holding consultations with patients, diagnosing conditions and treating their patients to improve their health and quality of life.


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Being a midwife is unique role and is a vital support for women and their babies during all stages of pregnancy, labour, and the early postnatal period.

Nurse students

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There are many kinds of nurse with different specialities which opens up a world of opportunity, including adult nurse, mental health nurse and the children’s nurse.

Occupational therapy student

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An occupational therapist helps people of all ages overcome the effects of disability caused by illness, ageing or accident so that they can carry out everyday tasks.

Optometry students

Being able to see clearly plays a vital part in our overall health and wellbeing. Optometrists provide essential eye health management, care and vision correction.

Paediatrician with child patient

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Paediatric doctors support children and young people going through a range of different health conditions, as well as liaising with their families and carers.

Pharmacy students

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Pharmacists are experts in the science and use of medicines. They help patients overcome all sorts of health problems and some prescribe medicines too, just like a doctor.

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Physiotherapy students

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A physiotherapist helps to restore movement and function when someone is affected by injury, illness, or disability. They can also help to prevent future injury or illness.

Psychology student

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Traditionally associated with mental health, psychologists are increasingly in demand in other fields which need to understand, predict, and change human behaviour.

Surgery students

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A surgeon is specially trained to operate on patients to repair, remove, replace or assess diseased or damaged body parts.

Medical oncologist student

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Therapeutic radiographers play an active role in fighting cancer and provide a source of hope for those who are diagnosed with the disease.

Browse our subjects

Cardiff University is proud to offer an extensive range of degree programmes to kickstart your career in health

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